Our Partners

Youth First

Prevents and alleviates human suffering in the face of emergencies by mobilizing the power of volunteers; aspire to turn compassion into action to help people affected by disaster to receive care, shelter and hope; get communities ready and prepared for disaster by giving access to safe, lifesaving blood; support members of our armed services and their families and much more.

Beth Sweeney

Promoting partnerships to help build a more effective recovery community and response to substance misuse.


Shaneah Shartzer

Provides services and support to individuals in Daviess County with developmental disabilities or other challenges. Designed to foster maximum self-dependence and natural interdependence, access to normal life experiences and opportunities, and general life enrichment.

Eliminating barriers. Empowering people. Building communities.

At DSI it is our responsibility to provide quality programs in a safe, secure environment for the individuals we serve.

To provide services that support people with barriers to attain self-direction, inclusion, personal fulfillment, and productivity in all life areas.


Sherri Tredway

Generations is the Area 13 Agency on Aging and also serves as our service area’s Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC). We coordinate and offer services that help older adults and individuals with disabilities remain in their homes, if that is their preference. By providing a range of options that allow older adults to choose the home and community-based services and living arrangements that suit them best, we make it possible for older adults to “age in place” in their homes and communities. Generations is part of Vincennes University’s Community Service Division.

To provide older adults, individuals with disabilities, and caregivers options for a better quality of life.


Catherine Jones at Generations

Prepares girls to become successful adults. Its strong values-based program shared with friends and directed by trained adults helps girls develop to their fullest potential.

Every Girl Scout has their own curiosity, dreams, and talents—so when they come together to decide which of the thousands of Girl Scout activities to try, the sky’s the limit. Whether visiting an animal shelter, camping, hosting a dance-off, or filming a movie—they’re learning to take risks, trust their gut, and team up with others for good.

The secret sauce holding it all together? Joy.

Forever friendship is a powerful thing. It’s what gives Girl Scouts the confidence to be themselves, unapologetically. It’s what makes them feel safe enough to try new things and cheer each other on in tough times. It’s the support that can get them up on tough mornings, help them raise their hand in class, and even climb to the top of a mountain.


Aimee Stachura
812-421-4970 x311

The RSVP Volunteer Center in Washington, IN serves Daviess and Martin counties. We have been established since 1973,and our volunteers have put in countless hours since then serving to make our community a better place. We have a board of 18 members who help direct us and make the decisions for us. We serve in many various locations including DCH Auxiliary, Feed My Sheep, St. Vincent de Paul Thrift Store, LUMC Food Pantry, and the Eastside Park Community Building where we host in-house projects. It is our desire to serve others and bring meaning to our volunteers.

Our mission is to engage men and women, 55 and better, in meaningful volunteer service that strengthens the well-being of self and community.


Emily Ramsey

Junior Achievement educates and inspires young people to value free enterprise, business and economics to improve the quality of their lives.

At Junior Achievement we believe in "possible." Each day, we work to help young people discover what's possible in their lives. We do this by helping them connect what they learn in school with life outside the classroom. We let them know it's possible to invest in their future, to gain a better understanding of how the world works to pursue their dreams. We show them that it's possible for tomorrow to be a better day.


Andie Dickinson, CEO



Senior and Family Services (SAFS) has been providing community programs since 1973.  As the number of older adults in our community continues to increase, so will the demand for supportive services and healthy aging programs.  SAFS is dedicated to providing the quality programs and services our agency is known for and our community has come to expect.  Our qualified staff, along with continued community support, accepts the challenge of meeting the ever changing needs of our senior population. SAFS is a not-for-profit multi-service community agency governed by a Volunteer Board of Directors.  Volunteers, Financial Donations and Memorials are always appreciated.


Laura Greenfield

To put Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind, and body for all. 

By emphasizing character development in all of our programs, we challenge youth and adults to accept and demonstrate positive values. Financial assistance is available to those who qualify.

The Daviess County Family YMCA staff teaches, models, and implements the four-character traits of CaringHonestyRespect and 
Responsibility in all facets of our programs.

  • Caring is to put others before yourself, to love others, to be sensitive to the well-being of others, to help others. “My command is this: love each other as I have loved you.”- John 15:12
  • Honesty is to tell the truth, to act in such a way that you are worthy of trust, to have integrity, to make sure your choices match up with your values. “No one believes a liar, but everyone respects the words of an honest man.”- Proverbs 21:28
  • Respect is to treat people the same way you want them to treat you and to value the worth of every person. “Treat people the same way you want them to treat you.”- Matthew 7:12a
  • Responsibility is to do what you should, to do what is right, to be accountable to your behavior and obligations. – “…each one should carry his own load.”-Galatians 6:5


Paula VanTyle-Smith

Youth First exists to transform and strengthen the lives of young people and their families. We are the only organization that provides master's level social workers in area schools and prevention programs for youth and families. On-site, free-of-charge behavioral health services and programs prevent substance abuse, improve family relationships, and develop life skills.

Proof of our results can be witnessed through independent evaluations with measurable outcomes and by testimonials from those who have been touched by our programs. Those who engage with us will benefit by being part of a better, stronger, healthier community in which to live, work, and raise a family.

Founded in 1998, Youth First, Inc. is a 501(c)3 organization based in Evansville, Indiana, and serves Indiana youth and families. Youth First is governed by a Board of Directors and funded by charitable donations, grants, and fees for services.

Youth First's mission is to strengthen youth and families by providing evidence-based programs that promote mental health, prevent substance misuse, and maximize student success.

Youth First's vision is communities supporting healthy, safe, and successful youth and families.



Jeremy Adams




Jon & Sue Clark

Dr. Jon and Sue Clark faithfully contribute to United Way of Daviess County.

The dictionary defines being thankful as a feeling but being grateful as an action. We are thankful to our Daviess County community for the wonderful support from pet owners during our 40 plus years in Veterinary practice in Washington. We have been blessed by God and this community beyond measure!

I can't think of a better way of showing our gratitude and giving back to the community than giving through the United Way of Daviess County. United Way knows where the needs are greatest. United Way has the capability of distributing our giving in an equitable way. We are a stronger community by pooling our resources for the greater good of all.

We are blessed so we can bless others!

Thanks for your support, Jon and Sue!


Mayor David Rhoads - City of Washington

I feel having the United way of Daviess County in our community is an essential part of 'Working for a better Washington.' I have given to the United Way for over 20 years, since working at the Fire Department and as Chief. I feel that it is beneficial in providing organizations a vital boost to their programming. United Way also brings the community together through the Day of Caring. A great way to volunteer. Together, WE can make a difference.

Thanks for your support, Mayor Rhoads!


Glen Graber

Glen Graber was our top individual giver during Campaign 2021. When asked about why he gives, Glen stated:

The Grabers are so happy to benefit the many organizations that United Way helps every year! [We] are blessed to be able to give back to the county that has blessed [us] so much over the years!

Thank you, Glen!


Alan & Vicki Bubalo

Alan Bubalo - pictured here with Zella Taylor, Executive Director of United Way of Daviess County, and Jordan Sherman, Board Member - is a loyal donor and we greatly appreciate him and his wife Vicki's support! When asked about his view on giving, Alan stated: 

There is a saying to whom much is given, much is expected. Vicki and I have been blessed to live in this great county and we feel giving back through the United Way of Daviess County benefits many organizations and many more individuals! May God continue to bless and enrich all persons in our wonderful community.

Thank you, Alan and Vicki!


Bill & Bev Summers

Bill and Bev Summers are faithful donors to United Way of Daviess County. When asked why they give to United Way, Bill responded:

Beverly and I have been involved with United Way of Daviess County, as both volunteers and as contributors, since we moved home to Washington in 1969. Beverly served on the Board of Directors, and I was their Treasurer. We believe in the mission of the United Way. It has helped many individuals and not-for-profit organizations through their Day of Caring and through their financial contributions over many years. We find the United Way is an easy way to support an entire community with one contribution.

Thank you, Bill and Bev!

In memory of Bill Summers. You will be missed!


Eric & Julie Bassler

Eric and Julie Bassler are generous supporters of United Way of Daviess County. We thank them for their faithful support!

Generous giving is a calling and an act of service that we take seriously. We are proud to be a long-term supporter of United Way of Daviess County. Their mission is vital in serving the needs of so many here in Daviess County.

Thank you, Eric & Julie!


 Nathan Gabhart, Founder of TrueScripts

“TrueScripts is a family-focused organization driven by our desire to serve others and deliver Amazing Care. We believe in letting our core values lead the way. Our intention is to create a lasting, positive impact on society at large. This includes providing support and giving back to the communities that we all call “home.” It is our honor and pleasure to support the United Way of Daviess County to encourage their vision to lift others up to achieve education, health, and financial stability in our community.” 

Thank you, Nathan!


Steve Sturgis

Daviess County is a generous, caring community in that individuals and businesses are willing to share their time, talents, and resources to help their neighbors in times of need. This is what I admire about United Way and exactly why I have supported them for the last 5 years, as a board member and volunteer. UWDC strives to work together for the betterment of the people. Through strategic partnerships and collaborative efforts, United Way of Daviess County can focus on key issues surrounding education, health, and financial stability. By uniting individuals, businesses, and government entities, they can utilize local resources and leverage external resources for local use. United Way of Daviess County works to create lasting change to build a stronger, more resilient community. 

Thank you, Steve!


 Sarah Browning

“I was raised to believe that to whom much is given, much is required, whether that is of your time, talents, or treasures. I try to live by that and hopefully pass that on to my children in the process. United Way helps so many in our community both directly and indirectly that it just makes sense to me to give. The board and director are in the trenches with the other not-for-profits and know where the greatest needs are much better than I could do on my own. That is why I give!” 

Thank you, Sarah!


Lisa Klopfenstein

"I take pride in my nearly 25-year commitment to supporting and giving to the United Way. Over the years, I have witnessed firsthand the collective impact of our donations in improving the lives of individuals within our community. It is truly inspiring to see how our contributions have made a tangible difference and brought about positive change."

Thank you, Lisa!