UWDC has paid out the remainder of the ERI funds totaling $87,000!! Every school, licensed preschool, food pantry, and multiple agencies have benefitted this time around in grant payouts!

$25,000 went to Connections and St. Vincent De Paul, and $20,000 to PACE Action Agency; these funds are to serve clients in need due to COVID-related reasons such as being in quarantine, having suffered job loss, or a reduction of hours. There are no income restrictions to qualify for assistance!

We know that there are additional expenses incurred by schools and preschools to meet state requirements and COVID-19 restrictions to be safely open. We're hopeful that the extra funds that were sent out will help lessen the burden!

Red Cross will be able to provide 600 antibody tests with their funding and Generations will be able to provide additional meals to seniors with theirs.

These are just a few examples of how we come together to serve and create a huge impact within our community! Most gifts were unexpected, which meant that several places called our office to verify this wasn’t a mistake. #LiveUnited #inthistogether #UWDC